Jezyk Polski

Ewa Schmeidel D.Sc., Ph.D.

Curriculum Vitae - wyjazdy

I. Udzial w kongresach

  1. 7th ISAAC Congress, Imperial College London, London, England, 2009, Existence and nonexistence of asymptotically periodic solutions of Volterra linear difference equations.
  2. The Fourth World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, 2004, Orlando, invited lecture Asymptotic behavior of solutions of a class of fourth order difference equations.
  3. The Third World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, 2000, Catania, invited lecture Oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of certain difference equations.
  4. International Congress of Mathematicians, 1998, Berlin, On the asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonlinear difference equations.
  5. The Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, 1996, Ateny, invited lecture On the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of integer valued difference equations.
  6. The Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, 1996, Ateny, komunikat On the asymptotic behavior of solutions of difference equations.

II. Udzial w konferencjach

  1. 18th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, 2012, Existence of a bounded solution of Volterra difference equations via Darbo's fixed point theorem.
  2. Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications, Terchova, Slovak Republic, 2012, On the existence of asymptotically periodic solution of Volterra difference equation.
  3. International Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications, Ponta Delgada, Portugalia, 2011, On the existence of solution of linear Volterra difference equations that are asymptotically equivalent to a given sequence.
  4. Progress of Difference Equations PODE2011, Dublin, Irlandia, 2011, An application of measures of noncompactness in investigation of periodicity of solutions of difference equations.
  5. Functional Differential Equations and Applications, Research Workshop of The Israel Science Foundation, Ariel, Israel, 2010, New results for solutions of Volterra difference equations with periodic coefficients.
  6. 16th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, Riga, Latvia, 2010, Asymptotically periodic solutions of Volterra systems of difference equations.
  7. Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications CDDEA, Slovakia, 2010, Some existence results for solutions of Volterra difference equations with periodic coefficients.
  8. 12 Equadiff, Brno, Czech Republic, 2009, Existence of asymptotically periodic solutions of system of Volterra difference equations.
  9. Progress on Difference Equations, Będlewo, Poland, 2009, Asymptotically periodic solutions of Volterra difference equations.
  10. 14th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, Istambul, Turcja, 2008, Oscillation of Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Difference Systems.
  11. Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications 2008 (CDDEA 2008), Strecno, Slovak Republic, June 23-28, 2008, Properties of solutions of higher order nonlinear neutral difference equations.
  12. Progress on difference equations 2008, Laufen/Salzach, Germany, March 12-17, 2008, Oscillatory and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Third Order Delay Difference Equations.
  13. International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications July 23 - July 27, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, Maximal and minimal solutions of neutral equations.
  14. 8th Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary Regional Committee in Szeged of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Szeged, Hangary, 25-28 June 2007, Maximal and minimal solutions of neutral difference equations.
  15. Progress on difference equations 2007, Laufen/Salzach, Germany, March 31st, 2007-April 5th, 2007, Asymptotically periodic solutions of some linear difference equations.
  16. Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications 2006 (CDDEA 2006), June 26-30, 2006, Rajecke Teplice (close to Zilina), Slovak Republic, Fix Point Theorems in Even Order Difference Equations Topic.
  17. V Forum Równań Różniczkowych Czastkowych, 29.05-02.06.2006, The Mathematical Research and Conference Center, Będlewo, Poland, Analiza wpływu własnosci współczynników występujacych w quasiróżnicach na postać rozwiazania maksymalnego i minimalnego równań różnicowych czwartego rzędu.
  18. Workshop in Applied Mathematics: Experiences and Visions for Industrial Mathematics in Europe, 26-28 April 2006, The Mathematical Research and Conference Center, Będlewo, Poland.
  19. European Advanced Studies Conference 2006, Progress on Difference Equations, Homburg/Saar, Niemcy Oscillatory results for fourth order difference equations with quasidifferences.
  20. Trzydziesta Czwarta Ogolnopolska Konferencja Zastosowan Matematyki, 2005, Zakopane, Porownanie wlasnosci oscylacyjnych rozwiazan rownan rozniczkowych i rownan rekurencyjnych o tym samym rownaniu charakterystycznym, na przykladzie rownan liniowych trzeciego rzedu o stalych wspolczynnikach.
  21. Conference on Differential and Difference Equations 2005, Gdansk, Asymptotically zero solutions of third order difference equations with quasidifferences, (przedstawiona przez A. Musielak, praca wspolna z M. Migda) Oscillatory of fourth order nonlinear difference equations with quasidifferences i (przedstawiona przez J. Mikolajskiego) Comparison of properties of solutions of differential equations and recurrence equations with the same characteristic equation (on example of third order linear equations with constant coefficients).
  22. International Conference on Difference Equations, Special Functions and Applications, 2005, Munich,Asymptotic behavior of solutions of a class of even order nonlinear neutral difference equations with quasidifferences.
  23. Czwarte Forum Rownan Rozniczkowych Czastkowych, 2004, Bedlewo, Asymptotyczne wlasnosci rozwiazan pewnych nieliniowych rownan roznicowych neutralnego typu czwartego rzedu z quasiroznicami.
  24. Delay Differential and Difference Equations with Applications, 2003, Veszprém, Nonoscillation and oscillation theorems for a fourth order nonlinear difference equation, i (przedstawione przez M. Zbaszyniak) Some asymptotic properties of solutions of second order difference equations.
  25. 8th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, 2003, Brno, Asymptotic properties of fourth order difference equations with quasidifferences, i (przedstawione przez M. Migda) On a class of fourth order  nonlinear difference equations.
  26. Colloquium on Differential and Difference Equations, 2002, Brno, On the asymptotic behavior of solutions of second order nonlinear difference equations, i (przedstawione przez A. Drozdowicz) Nonoscillation results for some third order nonlinear difference equation.
  27. Seventh International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, 2002, Changsha, (A Satellite Conference of the 2002 Beijing International Congress of Mathematicians) Nonoscillation and oscillation theorems for a fourth order nonlinear difference equations.
  28. Trzecie Forum Rownan Rozniczkowych Czastkowych, 2002, Bedlewo, Asymptotyczne wlasnosci rozwiazan nieliniowych rownan roznicowych drugiego rzedu.
  29. Sixth International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, 2001, Augsburg, Nonoscillation and oscillation properties of fourth order difference equations.
  30. Miedzynarodowe Sympozjum Poswiecone Pamieci Profesora Jerzego Popendy, 2000, Poznan, Podsumowanie wspolnego dorobku Jerzego Popendy w latach 1980-1999, and On the asymptotic behaviour of solution of some difference equations of infinite order.
  31. Colloquium on Differential and Difference Equations, 2000, Brno, Oscillation and nonoscillation theorems for fourth order difference equations.
  32. Drugie Forum Rownan Rozniczkowych Czastkowych, 2000, Bedlewo, Asymptotyczne wlasnosci rozwiazan rownan roznicowych czwartego rzedu.
  33. Dwudziesta Osma Ogolnopolska Konferencja Zastosowan Matematyki, 1999, Zakopane, On the asymptotic behaviour ofsolution of some difference equations of infinite order.
  34. International Conference on Differential Equations, 1999, Berlin, Some properties of solutions of nonlinear difference equations.
  35. Fourth International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, 1998, Poznan, Some properties of solutions of a class of nonlinear difference equations.
  36. Conference on Differential Equations and Their Applications, 1997, Brno, Asymptotic properties of solutions of infinity order difference equations.
  37. Second International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, 1995, Veszprém, On the asymptotic behavior of nonhomogeneous linear difference equations.
  38. The Fourth International Conference on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 1993, Krynica, Nonoscilatory solutions of third order difference equations.
  39. The Third International Conference on Functional Equations and Inequalities, 1991, Koninki, Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of the second order difference equations.

III. Udzial w Zjazdach PTM

  1. W 2010 r. udział w Zjeździe w Olsztynie.
  2. W 2009 r. udział w Zjeździe w Krakowie.
  3. W 2008 r. udział w II Forum Matematyków Polskich w Częstochowie.
  4. W 2007 r. udział w Nadzwyczajnym Walnym Zgromadzeniu PTM w Warszawie.
  5. W 2006 r. udział w Forum Matematyków Polskich w Gdańsku.
  6. W 2005 r. udział w Zjeździe w Wroclawiu.
  7. W 2004 r. udział w Zjeździe w Bialymstoku.
  8. W 2003 r. udział w Zjeździe w Poznaniu.
  9. W 2001 r. udział w Zjeździe w Nowym Saczu.
  10. W 2000 r. udział w Zjeździe w Warszawie.
  11. W 1999 r. udział w Zjeździe w Krakowie.
  12. W 1998 r. udział w Zjeździe w Olsztynie.

IV. Udział w szkoleniach

  1. Warsztaty i konsultacje wniosków o stypendia indywidualne Marie Curie oraz w programie IDEAS, 13.03.2007, JOWITA, ul. Zwierzyniecka 7 w Poznaniu.
  2. STYPENDIA INDYWIDUALNE MARIE-CURIE i Program IDEAS w 7.PR, 27.02.2007, Polsko-Niemieckie Centrum Akademickie PP.
  3. Inauguracja 7. Programu Ramowego UE na Politechnice Poznańskiej, 29.01.2007.
  4. Warsztaty tematyczne "Sporzadzanie wnioskow o dotacje z Funduszy Strukturalnych UE - Teorie i praktyka", 20.03.2006 i 24.03.2006, Poznan PP.
  5. Konferencja otwierajaca polska sieć informacji dla naukowcow, 8.11.2004, Warszawa.
  6. Konferencja 6 Program Ramowy na polmetku, Otwarcie Centrum Informacji dla Mobilnych Naukowcow, 22.10.2004, Akademia Ekonomiczna, Poznan.


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